Willow Run Home Owners Association
Architectural Review Board Inquires: ARBwillowrun@gmail.com
Board Inquires: dave.arnold2010@gmail.com
What are some of the common violations
Basketball Hoops are not allowed to be placed overnight in the driveway. Permanent basketball hoops are not allowed
High Grass and Weeds
Failure to maintain building and grounds
Yard Signs
Outdoor Storage
Trash and Debris
Construction Permit
Failure to submit ARB application
Who should I contact if I spot a burned out street light?
Willow Run uses Duke Energy. Please contact them https://salor-web.duke-energy.app/#/home/map/fl to report lights that are out.
When are assessments due and how should I pay?
Each January the HOA will mail and email you the annual dues notice. Please submit payments to ADDRESS. Please note all payments pass 60 days will receive a late fee of $25.00
Home Owners Responsibilities
Please make sure to review the Restrictive Covenants link on the website.
Each Property shall be subject to the following restrictions, reservations, and conditions, which shall be binding upon the developer and upon each and every Owner who shall acquire hereafter a Lot of any portion of the subject property and shall be binding upon their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns as follows
FINES: Please NOTE that each violation may range from $25.00 up to $1,000 in aggregate.
Time to correct: The Owner shall have fourteen days to correct the violation.
Habitual Violation: shall mean a violation that has not been corrected after fourteen days of written notice to any owner who is in violation.
Failure to Comply: The Board will appoint a committee of at least three members who are not offices, directors, or employees of the Association, or the spouse, parent, child, brother or sister of an officer, director or employee, who shall conduct a hearing at the request of the Owner who has been provided notice of a habitual violation. If the committee, by majority vote, does not approve a proposed fine, it may not be imposed.
Seminole County Violation Reporting
Some violations of a property do not fall under the responsibility of the HOA. Please review the Seminole county codes here: Seminole County Code | Seminole County (seminolecountyfl.gov) Please contact Seminole county violation at Code Violation Report Form (seminolesheriff.org)